DaeHwa Park

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​​​Gift of family

​ Here are my family members. They are lovely. Our family   always sing a hymn, "All Year in Our Home the Spring   Breezes Blow" when we gather. This hymn, written by   DooHow Koo (1921-) with the lyric from YoungTack Jeon   (1894-1968) was inspired by Psalm 112:1-3. The lyric tells   us about our family in a picture.

"All year in our home the spring breeze blow,

Since God our Father abide with us here.

Firm faith the bedrock unshaken below,

Our home's a garden of gladness all year.

How we thank Him, Immanuel!

Our Home His, His, to serve Christ always!

How we thank Him, Immanuel! 

Such joy and blessedness, day upon day?

Our parents, gentle with strong, tender care!

Brother and sister, love-link'd from our youth!

Here where all grieving and gladness we share,

Our thatch-roof room, and it's haven in truth.

One house-hold, working till all work is done,

Morning and ev'ning in love and good cheer;

One table, with food and drink shar'd as one

This is our Garden of Eden right here!

​Translated by John T. Underwood, 1988