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Worship is the Center of our Community Life.
When we gather together to praise God, we employ sensory and spiritual resources that allow God’s Spirit to comfort, challenge, and ultimately transform us. Through the spoken word and silence, through music and dance, through liturgy and pageant we open ourselves to one another, and unite ourselves with generations who have gone before us and with God who dwells among us.
Sunday is not only the day for worship. Our Eater tradition inaugurates our act of worship on Sunday, known as "Lord's Day." As the first day of the week, worship on Sunday helps worshipers begin each week with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. As the 8th day - the first day after God's Creation, celebration on Sunday is meaningful.
Sunday Service of Savage-Lanham Charge provides a traditional setting for reflection, prayer, and worship that incorporates formal liturgy, chancel choir and organ along with special musical offerings. Children are an integral part of the service and can participate as acolytes, music groups, following a special children’s message. The service provides rich connections with the tradition of faith, the Methodist heritage and acknowledges our role and responsibilities as a Methodist church in our parish.
Special Worship Services occur throughout the year, including Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost and the Season after the Day of Pentecost, esp. for Living Nativity, Advent Outdoor Worship, Christmas Cantata, New Year’s Eve Service and Game Night, Multi-Contextual Ministry Sunday, Tenebrae Service - Service of Darkness on Maundy Thursday, Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, Easter Sunrise Service on Easter morning, Memorial Sunday, Mother’s Day, Pentecost Sunday, Father’s Day, Blue Jean Sunday celebrating unity in diversity on World Communion Sunday, All Saint Sunday, Veterans Sunday, and Reformation Sunday, Etc.
Holy Baptism is celebrated during the act of worship for infants, children, confirmands, and adults. Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month at both services. The communion table is open to all who come in faith regardless of denominational background or church affiliation. I invite you to find your place of worship either at Savage campus or Lanham campus. Praising God, we explore together the mysteries of the God who dwells among us.
DaeHwa Park
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